In 2013 Helen Doron English in Spain Increased Enrollment by 60%


Helen Doron English



Despite global economic hardship resulting in cutbacks in the educational sector, in the past year Helen Doron English in Spain has increased student enrolment by 60%, while launching 25% more new learning centres throughout the country.

Barcelona, 7 April 2014

Helen Doron English opened 11 more learning centres in Spain over the past year, representing an increase of 25% from 2012, which was also a record-breaking year. Internationally, Helen Doron English launched 124 new learning centres, for a total of nearly 800 in 33 countries, further establishing the company as the global leader in teaching English to babies, children and teens.

The increasing awareness of the importance of teaching children English as early as possible, (“the sooner the better”), as supported by diverse academic research, upholds the company’s unique methodology which teaches English in the same way children learn their native language.

“Our methodology creates bilingualism, and bilingualism is extremely important, especially if the second language is English, because this is going to give children not only greater brain capacity, but also a key to another culture,“ remarks Helen Doron, Founder and CEO.

Helen Doron English offers the most comprehensive courseware in the industry—programmes that enable children from infants to teens to become proficient and comfortable speaking, reading and writing English. Helen Doron English offers a total of 12 courses in English for children: eight years of spoken English (some courses with optional reading and writing) for younger children, and four years of speaking, reading and writing for older children. Students of Helen Doron Teen English are prepared for the Common European Framework of Reference exams in a fun and natural learning environment that is unique to Helen Doron.

The business model offered by the company is an acknowledged success with over 3 decades of growth, strengthening their leadership position within the educational franchise industry. One of the highlights of the English teaching methodology is its continuous innovation using advanced technologies such as smartphone and augmented reality applications.

Helen Doron English in Spain is seeking candidates to open an additional franchise area in Madrid to join the existing areas of Catalonia, Valencia, Andalusia, Extremadura and Murcia. Learn more about franchising with Helen Doron English.