Helen Doron English Franchisees Lead the Way in 2014

Franchise professionals from all over the world gathered to learn from each other and share ideas at the Helen Doron English Conference Week held last week (March 24-28) in beautiful Antalya, Turkey.

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“Leading the Way” was the theme of the conference, which featured 3 days of intense seminars and discussions for the Master Franchisees, followed by a day of training for Learning Centre Franchisees.  With participants from over 30 countries, the atmosphere was lively and stimulating.


A number of diverse new programmes and innovations were introduced at the convention including: Teen Express, the newest addition to the Teen English programme (for ages 14-17); Jump with Joey  which teaches English through songs, stories, and activities (for ages 6-9) and includes a magical activity book that comes to life with augmented reality. Also unveiled was an original, interactive online application that teaches youngsters to read through a combination of phonics and free reading. Even the adult viewers were thoroughly engaged.  Helen Doron’s first mobile app, First Words in English with Flupe was also on display. It is available for both Android and IOS devices.

Also, many additions and updates were introduced to existing programmes, as well as a sneak preview of a brand-new, interactive website.


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The Helen Doron English franchisees were familiarized with the latest franchise opportunity from the Helen Doron Group: Helen Doron Kindergartens. This included explanations about the three kindergarten models available:  Helen Doron Bilingual Kindergarten, Helen Doron English-Enriched Kindergarten and Helen Doron All-English Kindergarten, each providing flexibility to suit the needs of different countries.

Many of the Master Franchisees presented a variety of thought-provoking subjects pertinent to marketing English as a Second Language throughout Europe and Asia. Smaller discussions were held in workshop format, focusing on leadership, training, management and profitability.

Highlights of the Learning Centre conference included a lecture and workshops facilitated by Colleen Francis, internationally renowned sales motivator and inspirational speaker, as well as a number of other relevant professional trainings.

For more information on how you can join the Helen Doron English franchise network, visit us online.