Teacher Training Course (TTC) Information

Hello and thanks for your interest in becoming a Helen Doron English Teacher!

We are happy to hear from you. So here is some (actually quite a bit 😉 ) information for you!

As you may have read in the public section of the website, the Helen Doron English Methodology is like no other – it’s heavily utilising immersion listening and positive reinforcement for kids to learn English is an easy, joyful and entertaining way that is unparalleled.

Therefore it is necessary – whether you are an experienced teacher or have no teaching experience yet – to get acquainted with this special methodology and this is done in a 6 day basic training course.

Our next Teacher Training Course (TTC) will take place in June 2025 in Linz. The TTC is a small group training with max. 12 participants.

So what is it all about?

The Helen Doron Educational Group (the global organisation that we are a part of) has won several Global Franchise Awards, honoured as Best Children’s & Education Franchise internationally!
Would you like to belong to a worldwide community of teachers, acknowledged and awarded for their exceptional work?
If yes, please keep reading and watch the video to see what other teachers say: 

So what is it all about?

The Helen Doron Educational Group (the global organisation that we are a part of) has won several Global Franchise Awards, honoured as Best Children’s & Education Franchise internationally! Would you like to belong to a worldwide community of teachers, acknowledged and awarded for their exceptional work? If yes, please keep reading: 

We are continuing our growth and success story after actually getting very well through the pandemic and are opening up again the opportunity to become a self-employed HDE teacher in Austria! It’s a great opportunity to work full-time or part-time while in Karenz (maternity leave) or while studying, or seeking a balance to a “dry job“. It is up to you and your family needs.

The Next Step Forward

We have several options – from your contact form info, we’d guess one of the following options might be suitable for you:

➡️ If you live in Linz there might be an opportunity to work for the Learning Centre Linz. Please make an appointment for a meeting with Ms. Monika Skyland to discuss the further options – please call 0732 / 79 21 88.

➡️ If you live in Vienna, Klosterneuburg or Tullnerfeld and if you want to teach in a Learning Studio, please contact the following franchise partner in the Vienna & Tullnerfeld area if they are having an opening:
Mr. Andreas Hanny from Learning Studio Wien-Erdberg, +43 1 3052047
Ms. Barbara Libal from the LC Tullnerfeld/Klosterneuburg, +43 676 844655231
➡️ If you live in Vienna, so if you speak sufficient German to also communicate with parents – a great opportunity to start your independent career there is a special limited opportunity for 8-10 people who live in Vienna and would like to start teaching on the self-employed basis.  If you want more info on that, please get back to me and I’ll be happily send you more info!!

Details about the Training:

Here are the links with all the detailed info regarding your TTC: link #1 (15 pages with detailed info – please read carefully to gain the overview of the Helen Doron Method and the teacher Training). As the HDE teacher standards are very high, a TTC is the basic requirement to be able to teach by the HD Method. 

Details about the Training:

Here are the links with all the detailed info regarding your TTC: see below link #1 1️⃣ (15 pages with detailed info – please read carefully to gain the overview of the Helen Doron Method and the teacher Training). As the HDE teacher standards are very high, a TTC is the basic requirement to be able to teach by the HD Method. 
The next 6-day TTC will place in Linz: 
June 13-15 & 20-22 (2 x Fri-Sun)
It is over 6 days. The first 5 days are introduction to the HDE method and the early child development, as well as a training to teach 3-5 year olds and preparation to also teach 6-8 year olds and day 6 is to expand your teaching abilities to 4th graders and 1st class NMS or Gymnasium.
Maximum number of participants is 12 to ensure high quality standards of the training and individual coaching, so make sure to send us your registration as soon as you have decided to join the training – first come, first serve. Please feel welcome to contact us if you had further questions: 0732 / 79 21 88 (Mon-Fr  9am – 1pm)
These are the next steps to enrol in the TTC:
1️⃣ Go through the TTC Info to gain a full overview of the TTC – download it here: 
❗️Please discuss with the Learning Centre/Learning Studio Manager what your options are before going to step 2️⃣❗️
2️⃣ Print out and fill in the registration form which can be downloaded here:
3️⃣ Scan / photograph it and email it back to us (Linz@HelenDoron.at)
4️⃣ Transfer the down payment of € 250 to secure your seat in the training (max. 12 participants to assure quality training and personal coaching). Education is valuable and you receive an International Diploma that entitles you to work by the Helen Doron Method in any country that is running the programs, including Europe, South-East Asia and South America. You can practically start working the day after you have graduated from the training; you receive all the pedagogical support and get equipped with Teacher Guides with lesson plans and description of activities, Flash cards, downloadable props and games, puppets, etc., so that you do not need to invent anything on your own, just focus on teaching.
During the training, you get individual coaching that helps you hone your teaching skills and equips you with methods of teaching kids starting age of 2,5 to 3 years of age up to 11 years go age. After you have graduated from the Training, there are additional 1-day to 2-day seminars offered in the future – if you are going to work for a Learning Centre, your Learning Centre will take costs of further education over otherwise the seminar costs are covered your royalties, if applicable.

Some background information:

In February 2018, WKÖ (Austrian Chamber of Commerce and Industry) presented us with an official Recognition Award for our work and contribution towards education of over 40.000 students in Austria, giving them a better future by teaching them English with the highly effective Helen Doron Method. Would you like to become a part of this recognized team of HDE teachers and make a difference in the educational field? Helen Doron English has won several global franchise awards as well – #1 in the field of children’s education! Would you like to belong to such a proud global community of teachers? 
“In May 1998 I was, just like you now, looking into the opportunity of becoming a Helen Doron English Teacher. Today I bless the moment I said “Yes!” to this chance. More than 20 years later, I work as HDE Master Franchisor in Austria with 9 Learning Centres and Learning Studios, 100 teachers and 3.000 students, at the same time running my two Learning Centres and bringing up my two kids (age 18 and 14).
Now, years later, some of my former HDE students become teachers as they had so much fun learning and some others bring us their babies because they know that’s the best English you can give your child. I have assisted hundreds of dedicated women and men to step into teaching as a part time or full time job; as a self-employed teacher or as a Learning Centre teacher; on maternity leave or as a joyful and lively balance to their other profession; foreigners who speak English but no German or Austrians who love English and speak it fluently; trained teachers or individuals with pedagogical talents who are ready to get trained. Our teachers come from all walks of life, you name it. Some teach as long as their children are young and move to other professions afterwards and some teach till they retire or never stop working completely, as they love it so much. What connects all these people is their love for working with children, having a job that matters and an opportunity of using English at work.
Whatever your life story is, you can give it a fascinating turning by becoming a Helen Doron teacher and start making a real difference in the world by giving the young generation what they need for their future: good English! And, at the same time, you give yourself a meaningful job, where you work with your heart as much as your mind and your pedagogical skills.
Hadn’t I said “Yes” back then, I wouldn’t be talking to you now, offering you the same opportunity and looking back at the thousands of children who have participated in the courses for all these years. As you can see, one small step may influence the future of hundreds or even thousands of people. As Christa McAuliffe said so brilliantly, “I touch the future. I teach” and Henry Adams summed it up saying, “A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops“.”

The Data:

Please read through all the infos in this e-mail and check all the links to get a complete overview of what being a HDE teacher means. We, at the MF Austria office, will be happy to answer all the questions you might have and we are looking forward to welcoming you to the Team of the Helen Doron Teachers in Austria. Working within a franchise, you are never alone!
What’s so special about HDE? 
Helen Doron about the Teacher Training Course (TTC): 
Who wouldn’t like to give the best to their children – right from the start? 
As a teacher of a mother-tongue-method, you give children a gift of speaking two languages! 
What do other teachers say about their career? 
Franchising as a great opportunity for women – with HDE you are never alone! 
Would you like to read more about the value of teaching English? Check out the HD blog: 
We are happy to invite you to become a member of our professional, experienced, friendly and fun family of HDE teachers!